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Define AssemblyFileVersion in Assembly

In SharePoint changing the AssemblyVersion very frequently can lead to problems, because the full name of the assembly could be used in features or webparts. However, to identify the version of the assembly the attribute 'AssemblyFileVersion' should be used (used with same major version but incremented minor version, build etc.)

CheckId SPC040208
TypeName DeclareAssemblyFileVersionInAssembly
Severity CriticalWarning
Type Assembly

The Assembly should define attribute 'AssemblyFileVersion' to communicate the lastest release of the assembly.

The assembly file version should be changed automatically during a build. An alternative would be to store changed versions via assembly redirection in web.config.

To suppress this violation in managed code add the following attribute to the method which contains the instruction (available since SPCAF version v5.2). Learn more about SuppressMessage here.

// Important: Ensure to have #define CODE_ANALYSIS at the beginning of your .cs file
[SuppressMessage("SPCAF.Rules.DesignGroup", "SPC040208:DeclareAssemblyFileVersionInAssembly", Justification = "Provide reason for suppression here")]
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