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This documentation is part of the BETA release and subject to change.


Checks for ascertaining that the solution can be modified effectively and efficiently


Rule Description Type Severity
NG1050201: Inject built-in AngularJS dependencies before custom ones in module configs Inject built-in AngularJS dependencies before custom ones in module configs Module config CriticalWarning
NG1050401: Inject built-in AngularJS dependencies before custom ones in controllers Inject built-in AngularJS dependencies before custom ones in controllers Controller CriticalWarning
NG1050501: Use bindToController in directives with controllers and two-way bindings Use bindToController in directives with controllers and two-way bindings Directive CriticalWarning
NG1050502: Inject built-in AngularJS dependencies before custom ones in directives Inject built-in AngularJS dependencies before custom ones in directives Directive CriticalWarning
NG1050601: Inject built-in AngularJS dependencies before custom ones in filters Inject built-in AngularJS dependencies before custom ones in filters Filter CriticalWarning
NG1050701: Avoid accessing $rootScope in services Avoid accessing $rootScope in services Service CriticalWarning
NG1050702: Inject built-in AngularJS dependencies before custom ones in services Inject built-in AngularJS dependencies before custom ones in services Service CriticalWarning
NG1050801: Use controllerAs in $routeProvider Use controllerAs in $routeProvider Route CriticalWarning
NG1051001: Use 'controller as' in ngController directives Use 'controller as' in ngController directives Template CriticalWarning
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