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This documentation is part of the BETA release and subject to change.


Checks for ascertaining that the solution works as expected


Rule Description Type Severity
NG1010101: Always specify default route Always specify default route to gracefully handle requests that don't match any route AngularJS Module Error
NG1010201: Don't inject invalid dependencies in module configs When injecting dependencies in module configs ensure that they point to valid objects Module config CriticalError
NG1010202: Number of injected dependencies matches the number of function parameters in module configs When injecting dependencies in module configs ensure that they match the function parameters Module config CriticalError
NG1010203: Use explicit dependency injection annotation in module configs with strict DI enabled When bootstrapping application in strict DI mode, use explicit annotation to inject dependencies in module configs Module config CriticalError
NG1010401: Don't manipulate DOM in controllers Don't manipulate DOM in controllers as the HTML hasn't been fully rendered yet Controller CriticalWarning
NG1010402: Don't inject invalid dependencies in controllers When injecting dependencies in controllers ensure that they point to valid objects Controller CriticalError
NG1010403: Number of injected dependencies matches the number of function parameters in controllers When injecting dependencies in controllers ensure that they match the function parameters Controller CriticalError
NG1010404: Use explicit dependency injection annotation in controllers with strict DI enabled When bootstrapping application in strict DI mode, use explicit annotation to inject dependencies in controllers Controller CriticalError
NG1010501: Don't inject invalid dependencies in directives When injecting dependencies in directives ensure that they point to valid objects Directive CriticalError
NG1010502: Number of injected dependencies matches the number of function parameters in directives When injecting dependencies in directives ensure that they match the function parameters Directive CriticalError
NG1010503: Use explicit dependency injection annotation in directives with strict DI enabled When bootstrapping application in strict DI mode, use explicit annotation to inject dependencies in directives Directive CriticalError
NG1010601: Don't inject invalid dependencies in filters When injecting dependencies in filters ensure that they point to valid objects Filter CriticalError
NG1010602: Number of injected dependencies matches the number of function parameters in filters When injecting dependencies in filters ensure that they match the function parameters Filter CriticalError
NG1010603: Use explicit dependency injection annotation in filters with strict DI enabled When bootstrapping application in strict DI mode, use explicit annotation to inject dependencies in filters Filter CriticalError
NG1010701: Don't inject invalid dependencies in services When injecting dependencies in services ensure that they point to valid objects Service CriticalError
NG1010702: Number of injected dependencies matches the number of function parameters in services When injecting dependencies in services ensure that they match the function parameters Service CriticalError
NG1010703: Use explicit dependency injection annotation in services with strict DI enabled When bootstrapping application in strict DI mode, use explicit annotation to inject dependencies in services Service CriticalError
NG1010704: Use explicit dependency injection annotation in factories with strict DI enabled When bootstrapping application in strict DI mode, use explicit annotation to inject dependencies in factories Service CriticalError
NG1010801: Route refers to a known controller Route refers to a controller registered with the main module or one of its dependent modules Route CriticalError
NG1011001: Use built-in AngularJS directives whenever possible Use built-in AngularJS directives whenever possible to ensure that markup remains valid Template CriticalWarning
NG1011002: Always have . in ngModel Always have . in ngModel Template CriticalWarning
NG1011003: Binding refers to a known property When using binding ensure that it points to a valid property Template CriticalError
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