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Rules which check violations against SharePoint customization guidelines. Note: For customization rules it depends on the specific practices and guidelines of the target farm if the rules are valid or not. Disable the rule if it does not apply in your case.


Rule Description Type Severity
SPC090101: Do not deploy ControlTemplates Depending on the customization policy Solutions should not deploy controltemplates. TemplateFile Warning
SPC090102: Do not deploy Feature with scope 'Farm' Depending on the customization policy Solutions should not contain farm features. Feature Warning
SPC090103: Do not deploy Feature with scope 'WebApplication' Depending on the customization policy Solutions should not contain webapplication features. Feature Warning
SPC090201: Do not create managed paths in code The assembly should not create managed paths in a web application. Assembly Warning
SPC090202: Do not implement IHttpHandler The assembly should not implement the interface IHttpHandler. Assembly Warning
SPC090203: Do not implement IHttpModule The assembly should not implement the interface IHttpModule. Assembly Warning
SPC090204: Do not implement SPJobDefinition (TimerJob) The assembly should not implement the interface SPJobDefinition in gold environments. Assembly Warning
SPC090205: Do not implement FeatureReceiver The assembly should not types inherited from 'Microsoft.SharePoint.SPFeatureReceiver'. Assembly Warning
SPC090206: Do not implement SPWebConfigModifications The assembly should not implement SPWebConfigModifications. Assembly Warning
SPC090207: Do not implement Pluggable Autentication Provider The assembly should not implement Pluggable Autentication Provider. Assembly Warning
SPC090208: Do not implement Pluggable SSO Provider The assembly should not implement Pluggable SSO Provider. Assembly Warning
SPC090701: Do not implement SiteDefinition Depending on the customization policy do not implement a SiteDefinition. Project Warning
SPC092201: Do not implement FieldType Depending on the customization policy do not implement a custom FieldType. FieldType Warning
SPC095101: Do not implement Field Depending on the customization policy do not implement a Field. Field Warning
SPC095201: Do not implement ContentType Depending on the customization policy do not implement a ContentType. ContentType Warning
SPC095501: Do not implement ListDefinition Depending on the customization policy do not implement a ListDefinition. ListTemplate Warning
SPC095701: Do not implement CustomAction Depending on the customization policy do not implement a CustomAction. CustomAction Warning
SPC095801: Do not implement CustomActionGroup Depending on the customization policy do not implement a CustomActionGroup. CustomActionGroup Warning
SPC096001: Do not implement Event Receiver Depending on the customization policy do not implement an Event Receiver. Receiver Warning
SPC096101: Do not implement DelegateControl Depending on the customization policy do not implement a DelegateControl. DelegateControl Warning
SPC096201: Do not implement Coded Worfklow Depending on the customization policy do not implement a Coded Worfklow. Workflow Warning
SPC096301: Do not implement DocumentConverter Depending on the customization policy do not implement a DocumentConveter. DocumentConverter Warning
SPC097001: Do not implement FeatureTemplateAssocation Depending on the customization policy do not implement a FeatureTemplateAssocation. TemplateAccociation Warning
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