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This documentation is part of the BETA release and subject to change.

Best Practice

Rules to warn if common best practices are not used.


Rule Description Type Severity
SPC058901: Consider using a "Value and Type" comparison in if statements Consider using a "Value and Type" comparison in if statements, it is possible for values to be the same but types to be different. This helps to prevent cases such as "0 == false" from occuring. This isn't required were a type is asserted JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058902: Consider not using 'arguments.callee' and arguments.caller' Consider not using 'arguments.callee' and 'arguments.caller', these have been deprecated to allow for code optimisations in JavaScript. Consider replacing with a recursive callback were required JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058903: Consider to not use empty labels Consider to not use empty labels, goto is not supported in ECMAScript JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058904: Missing break in switch statement Missing break in switch statement, In most cases this is an error JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058905: __iterator__ is a reserved word The __iterator__ property is not implemented in all browsers JavaScriptFile CriticalError
SPC058906: Do not reassign native objects Native objects are protected from ECMA6 due to issues with reassigning JavaScriptFile CriticalWarning
SPC058907: Do not use new keyword without assignment This creates an object without assignment to a variable JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058908: Disallow use of the function constructor This is implied code evaluation, the function contructor cause cross site scripting attack vulnerabilities in the code JavaScriptFile Error
SPC058909: Consider to disallow primitive wrapper instances Objects created from primitive wrappers, are not the same as the primitives themseleves, and used only internally JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058910: __proto__ is a reserved word The __proto__ property is not implemented in all browsers JavaScriptFile CriticalError
SPC0589100: With statement is not recommended With statement is not recommended JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058911: Consider to not allow assignment in return statements Assigning values inside a return statement, can cause confusion as to the codes intent JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058912: Always supply a radix with parseInt You must always supply a radix with parseInt, as some valid values will be shown as NaN (Not a Number) JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058913: Do not declare code in the global namespace directly Do not declare code in the global namespace directly. Instead consider using the $_global_ namespace pattern with Namespace registration, this will ensure correct execution with the MDS garbage collector JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058914: Use the latest versions of JavaScript libraries Use the latest versions of JavaScript libraries which contain the latest bug fixes and security patches JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058984: Argument was defined but not referenced Argument was defined but not referenced JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058986: A function was defined but not referenced A function was defined but not referenced JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058987: Function has not been declared Function has not been declared JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058988: A variable was defined but not set or referenced A variable was defined but not set or referenced JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058989: Function name should be a simple identifier; possible browser-specific implementation Function name should be a simple identifier; possible browser-specific implementation JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058990: Object constructor takes no arguments Object constructor takes no arguments JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058994: Consider replacing maximum numeric literal with Number.MAX_VALUE Consider replacing maximum numeric literal with Number.MAX_VALUE JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058995: Consider replacing minimum numeric literal with Number.MIN_VALUE Consider replacing minimum numeric literal with Number.MIN_VALUE JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC058999: Unused label Unused label JavaScriptFile Warning
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