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This documentation is part of the BETA release and subject to change.


Checks if solutions pose security issues.


Rule Description Type Severity
SPC020201: Do not update list of blocked extensions The assembly should not access property Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPWebApplication.BlockedFileExtensions and also update the web application. The rule assumes that the list of blocked file extensions has been changed by the code. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC020202: Avoid setting 'AllowUnsafeUpdates' on SPWeb The assembly should not call Microsoft.SharePoint.SPWeb.AllowUnsafeUpdates to run make changes to SPWeb with a lower security context. Setting this property to true opens security risks, potentially introducing cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC020203: Avoid setting 'AllowUnsafeUpdates' on SPSite The assembly should not call Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSite.AllowUnsafeUpdates to run make changes to SPSite with a lower security context. Setting this property to true opens security risks, potentially introducing cross-site scripting vulnerabilities. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC020204: Do not call 'WindowsIdentity.Impersonate' The assembly should not call WindowsIdentity.Impersonate() to run code with higher permissions. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC020205: Do not set 'AllowEveryoneViewItems' for SPList to TRUE The property ListAllowEveryoneViewItems of the SPList object should not be set to true, as it allows every authenticated user of the web application to access the list items when the URL is known. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC020206: Avoid usage of 'RunWithElevatedPrivileges' The assembly should not call Microsoft.SharePoint.SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges to run code with higher permissions. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC020210: Do not add PageParserPaths to web.config PageParserPaths can be used to enable inline code in ASPX pages which is not allowed. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC020220: Do not call 'HttpUtility.HtmlEncode'. The assembly should not call HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(string) to encode strings. Use 'SPHttpUtility.HtmlEncode' instead. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC020221: Do not nest calls to RunWithElevatedPrivileges Do not call RunWithElevatedPrivileges inside a existing RunWithElevatedPrivileges. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC020602: CAS Policy 'Maschine' with access='Administer' is not allowed The CAS Policy 'Maschine' with access='Administer' is not allowed. PolicyItem CriticalWarning
SPC020603: Policy Permission Impersonate not allowed The CAS Policy for Microsoft.SharePoint.Security.SharePointPermission with settings Impersonate=true is not allowed. PolicyItem CriticalWarning
SPC020611: Do not define 'FileIOPermission' with 'Unrestricted=true' The CAS Policy for System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission with setting 'Unrestricted=true' is not allowed. This means read and write permission to all locations on the SharePoint system. Limit the permission to certain folders, e.g. TEMP. PermissionSet Error
SPC020612: Do not define 'RegistryPermission' with 'Unrestricted=true' The CAS Policy for System.Security.Permissions.RegistryPermission with setting 'Unrestricted=true' is not allowed. PermissionSet Error
SPC020613: Do not define 'SecurityPermission' with 'Unrestricted=true' The CAS Policy for System.Security.Permissions.SecurityPermission with setting 'Unrestricted=true' is not allowed. PermissionSet Error
SPC020614: Do not define 'EnvironmentPermission' with 'Unrestricted=true' The CAS Policy for System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission with setting 'Unrestricted=true' is not allowed. PermissionSet Error
SPC020615: Do not define 'SmtpPermission' with 'Unrestricted=true' The CAS Policy for System.Net.Mail.SmtpPermission with setting 'Unrestricted=true' is not allowed. PermissionSet CriticalWarning
SPC025501: Do not set 'AllowEveryoneViewItems' to TRUE in ListDefinition The attribute ListAllowEveryoneViewItems of a ListDefinition should not be set to true, as it allows every authenticated user of the web application to access the list items when the URL is known. ListTemplate CriticalWarning
SPC026901: Do not use inline code in ASPX pages ASPX pages should not contain inline code. Use code behind instead. ASPXFile CriticalWarning
SPC026902: Add 'SharePoint:FormDigest' to ASPX page ASPX pages should contain 'SharePoint:FormDigest' to ensure security validation of requests, ASPXFile CriticalWarning
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