Conventions for CheckId

Each rule, metric, dependency check or inventory check must have a unique identifier called 'CheckID', e.g. 'SPC016401'. This CheckID uses the following pattern

MeaningPrefix2-digit number of Category2-digit number of inspected SharePoint element2-digit consecutiv number
Description SPCAF analyzers:
SPC - Code Check
SPM - Metrics Check
SPD - Dependency Check
SPI - Inventory

Third party analyzers:
JSH - JSHint
FXC - FxCop
FXM - FxCop Metrics
DIS - SPDisposeChecker

For your custom analyzer do not choose the existing ones.
SPCAF categories:
01 - Correctness
02 - Security
03 - SharePoint Supportability
04 - Design
05 - Best Practice
06 - Deployment
07 - Localization
08 - Naming
09 - Customization Policies
10 - Sandboxed Compatibility
11 - Office 365 Compatibility
12 - SharePoint 2007 Compatibility
14 - SharePoint 2010 Compatibility
15 - SharePoint 2013 Compatibility

Third party categories:
30 - CSSLint
31 - JSHint
35 - FxCop
36 - FxCop Metrics
40 - SPDisposeCheck
45 - CAT.NET

For your custom category choose a number larger than 50.
01 - Solutions
02 - Assembly
03 - RootFiles
04 - TemplateFiles
05 - Resources
07 - SiteDefinition
08 - WebTempFile
09 - PolicyItem
10 - App
21 - Feature
22 - FieldType
31 - AppDefinition
51 - Field
52 - ContentType
53 - Module
54 - ListInstance
55 - ListTemplate
56 - ContentTypeBinding
57 - CustomAction
58 - CustomActionGroup
59 - HideCustomAction
60 - Receiver
61 - Control
62 - Workflow
63 - DocumentConverter
64 - WebPart
65 - FieldRef
66 - RemoveFieldRef
68 - ASCXControl
69 - ASPXPage
70 - FeatureSiteTemplateAssociation
71 - PropertyBag
72 - ASMXWebService
73 - MasterPage
74 - FeatureActivationDependency
75 - ListDefinition
76 - WCFWebService
77 - WebTemplateDefinition
88 - CSSFile
89 - JavaScriptFile
00 - General
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