Assembly Artefacts

Tells which SharePoint artefacts are used in the application. These numbers help to see the complexitiy of the application and the impact on the SharePoint farm.


Rule Description Type Severity
SPM010501: SharePoint Webparts Counts the number of webparts which derive from Microsoft.SharePoint.WebPartPages.WebPart. AssemblyFileReference Information
SPM010502: ASP.NET Webparts Counts the number of webparts which derive from System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart. AssemblyFileReference Information
SPM010511: ItemEvent Receivers Counts the number of ItemEventReceiver. Feature Information
SPM010512: ListEvent Receivers Counts the number of ListEvent Receiver. Feature Information
SPM010513: EmailEvent Receivers Counts the number of EmailEvent Receivers. Feature Information
SPM010514: Number of WebEvent Receivers Counts the number of WebEvent Receiver. Feature Information
SPM010521: Timer Jobs Counts the number of Timer Jobs AssemblyFileReference Information
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