SharePoint Supportability

Checks if solutions endanger the supportability of SharePoint.


Rule Description Type Severity
SPC030101: Do not override system files Solutions must not override system files. If this solution is deployed it could damage the SharePoint farm and make it unreachable. Solution CriticalError
SPC030202: Do not access SharePoint API via reflection It is not supported to access non public properties or methods of the SharePoint API, e.g. via reflection. AssemblyFileReference CriticalError
SPC030203: Do not read ConnectionString from SPContentDatabase There is no reason to read the connection string of a SharePoint content database except if you want to read from the database which is not supported. AssemblyFileReference Error
SPC030204: Do not query SharePoint databases directly It is not allowed to read or write directly to SharePoint databases. Use API, webservices etc. instead. AssemblyFileReference Error
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