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SPC071011: Deploy all necessary .resx files for the supported locales

For each supported locale in element 'SupportedLocales' a corresponding .resx file must be exist in the App.

CheckId SPC071011
TypeName DeployDefinedResourcesFiles
Severity Error
Type App

Create the missing .resx file with the correct name and add it to the App.
Sample: The following code defines the locales 'en-us' and 'ja-jp'. Therefore the files 'Resources.en-us.resx' and 'Resources.ja-jp.resx' must be contained in the App package.

<App ...>
         <SupportedLocale CultureName="en-us" />
         <SupportedLocale CultureName="ja-jp" />

A common issue arises if the .resx files are contained in the package but they are not correctly linked to the AppManifest.xml according to the ZIP scheme.

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