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Advanced Customizations

In a Migration Assessment this category contains more advanced SharePoint customizations like Timer Jobs, HttpModules etc.


Rule Description Type Severity
SMA290110: Consider different implementation of TimerJob There is no direct replacment for TimerJobs in the App Model. Alternative approach performs regular running operations e.g. via CSOM, console application and Azure Web jobs. Assembly CriticalWarning
SMA290120: Remove HttpModules There is no direct replacment for HttpModules in the App Model. Depending on the purpose of the HttpModules an alternative approach must be implemented. Assembly Error
SMA290121: Remove HttpHandlers There is no direct replacment for HttpHandlers in the App Model. Depending on the purpose of the HttpModules an alternative approach must be implemented. Assembly Error
SMA290122: Consider to Switch to CSOM for Property bag Manipulation The PropertyBag is full implemented in CSOM and JSOM, so migration of this component has no blockers. Assembly CriticalWarning
SMA292202: Consider different implementation of FieldType FieldTypes have been superceeded by JSLink style reformatting of fields in SharePoint 2013. TemplateFile CriticalError
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