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Collaboration Customizations

In a Migration Assessment this category covers customizations which are focussed on SharePoint collaboration functionality, like Webparts etc.


Rule Description Type Severity
SMA256401: WebParts that use the UserProfileManager SharePoint 2013 gives access to a new set of user profile based methods, and properties which can be used to accomplish almost all tasks existing webparts could use. Assembly CriticalWarning
SMA256402: WebParts that use search The new Search Results WebPart, and Content Search WebPart will be able to replace almost any search based result webpart currently in use. Assembly CriticalWarning
SMA256403: WebParts that use Xslt transforms to display data In SharePoint 2013, webparts use JSLink instead of XSLT to transform data for display. While there still is support for XSLT in farm solutions, JSLink now superceeds it, and is an integral part of SharePoint 2013 Assembly CriticalWarning
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