SharePoint 2013 Compatibility
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SharePoint 2013 Compatibility

Checks files and artifacts whether they are compatible with SharePoint 2013.


Rule Description Type Severity
SPC150101: Do not define CAS Policies The assemblies in a farm solution in SharePoint 2010 could be deployed with Custom Access Security (CAS) policies. Such policies are ignored in SharePoint 2013; all assemblies in farm solutions in SharePoint 2013 run with full trust. PolicyItem Warning
SPC150102: Declare attribute SharePointProductVersion='15.0' in Solution The attribute 'SharePointProductVersion' with value '15.0' must be declared if files in 15 hive should be loaded. If not declared SharePoint assumes version '14.0'. Solution CriticalWarning
SPC150202: Do not call deprecated methods or properties Assembly should not call deprecated methods or properties. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC150203: Do not implement deprecated interfaces Assembly should not implement deprecated interfaces. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC150204: Do not inherit from deprecated type Assembly should not inherit from deprecated type. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC150205: Do not reference deprecated types Assembly should not reference deprecated types. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC150206: Do not call CustomizeCss and RevertCss from Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.Webs Do not call CustomizeCss and RevertCss from namespace Microsoft.SharePoint.SoapServer.Webs. The  methods are included in SharePoint 2013, but will be removed from the next major release of SharePoint. Assembly CriticalWarning
SPC150207: Build assembly for .NET Framework 4.5 The Assembly should be build for target Framework version 4.5. Assembly Error
SPC150208: Reference 15 hive in strings within code References in strings in the code to hive folder '/_controltemplates', '/_layouts' and '/_layouts/images/' must be changed accordingly to point to the 15 hive (e.g. by changing to '/_controltemplates/15/'). Assembly Warning
SPC155501: Reference 15 hive in attribute 'Image' in ListTemplate A ListTemplate can reference an image (like an icon) in attribute 'Image'. Ensure that the URL points to the 15 hive. ListTemplate Warning
SPC155701: Reference 15 hive in all images in CustomAction A CustomAction can reference several images (like icons). Ensure that the URLs for these images points to the 15 hive. CustomAction Warning
SPC155702: Reference 15 hive in attribute 'UrlAction' in CustomAction A CustomAction can reference a page in attribute 'UrlAction'. Ensure that the URL points to the 15 hive. CustomAction Warning
SPC155703: Reference 15 hive in attribute 'ScriptSrc' in CustomAction A CustomAction can reference a script (e.g. .js) in attribute 'ScriptSrc'. Ensure that the URL points to the 15 hive. CustomAction Warning
SPC156101: Reference 15 hive in attribute 'ControlSrc' in DelegateControl A DelegateControl can reference a control template in attribute 'ControlSrc'. Ensure that the URL points to the 15 hive. DelegateControl Warning
SPC156802: Register SharePoint 15 Assemblies in ASCX Control ASCX Control should not register previous versions of Microsoft.SharePoint assemblies. ASPXFile CriticalWarning
SPC156803: Reference SharePoint 15 Assemblies in ASCX Control ASCX Controls should not reference previous versions of Microsoft.SharePoint assemblies. ASPXFile CriticalWarning
SPC156901: Inherit ASPX Page from SharePoint 15 Assemblies ASPX Pages should not inherit from previous or later version of Microsoft.SharePoint assemblies. ASPXFile CriticalWarning
SPC156902: Register SharePoint 15 Assemblies in ASPX Page ASPX Pages should not register previous versions of Microsoft.SharePoint assemblies. ASPXFile CriticalWarning
SPC156903: Reference SharePoint 15 Assemblies in ASPX Page ASPX Pages should not reference previous versions of Microsoft.SharePoint assemblies. ASPXFile CriticalWarning
SPC157001: Do not define TemplateAssociation to template 'Document Workspace' The site template for 'Document Workspace' (STS#2) is not available in SP 2013. TemplateAccociation CriticalWarning
SPC157002: Do not define TemplateAssociation to templates for 'Meeting Workspace' The site templates for 'Meeting Workspace' (MPS#*) is not available in SP 2013. This includes the Basic Meeting Workspace, Blank Meeting Workspace, Decision Meeting Workspace, Social Meeting Workspace, and Multipage Meeting Workspace. TemplateAccociation CriticalWarning
SPC157003: Do not define TemplateAssociation to template 'Personalization Site' The site template for 'Personalization Site' (SPSMSITE#0) is not available in SP 2013. TemplateAccociation CriticalWarning
SPC157004: Do not define TemplateAssociation to templates for 'Group Work' The site templates for 'Group Work' (SGS) is not available in SP 2013. TemplateAccociation CriticalWarning
SPC157302: Register SharePoint 15 Assemblies in Master Page Master Pages should not register previous versions of Microsoft.SharePoint assemblies. ASPXFile CriticalWarning
SPC157303: Reference SharePoint 15 Assemblies in Master Page Master Pages should not reference previous versions of Microsoft.SharePoint assemblies. ASPXFile CriticalWarning
SPC159901: Reference 15 hive within all Pages (.aspx) Paths in Pages to '/_controltemplates/', '/_layouts/' and '/_layouts/images/' should point to 15 hive. ASPXFile Warning
SPC159902: Reference 15 hive within all Masterpages (.master) Paths in Masterpages to '/_controltemplates/', '/_layouts/' and '/_layouts/images/' should point to 15 hive. ASPXFile Warning
SPC159903: Reference 15 hive within all Scripts (.js) Paths in Scripts to '/_controltemplates/', '/_layouts/' and '/_layouts/images/' should point to 15 hive. JavaScriptFile Warning
SPC159904: Reference 15 hive within all Styles (.css) Paths in Styles to '/_controltemplates/', '/_layouts/' and '/_layouts/images/' should point to 15 hive. CSSFile Warning
SPC159905: Reference 15 hive within all Controls (.ascx) Paths in Controls to '/_controltemplates/', '/_layouts/' and '/_layouts/images/' should point to 15 hive. ASCXFile Warning
SPC159906: Reference 15 hive within all XSLT files (.xslt) Paths in XSLT files to '/_controltemplates/', '/_layouts/' and '/_layouts/images/' should point to 15 hive. Solution Warning
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