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SPF019808: Specify a valid bundle entry output path

Bundle entry must specify the bundle output path

CheckId SPF019808
TypeName DefineBundleEntryOutputPath
Severity CriticalError
Type BundleEntry

Bundle entry must specify a valid output path using the outputPath property. The output file should be located in the dist folder so that it's picked up by the SharePoint Framework tools for further processing.

config.json example

  "entries": [
      "entry": "./lib/webparts/weather/WeatherWebPart.js",
      "manifest": "./src/webparts/weather/WeatherWebPart.manifest.json",
      "outputPath": "./dist/weather.bundle.js"
  "externals": { },
  "localizedResources": {
    "weatherStrings": "webparts/weather/loc/{locale}.js"

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