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Use explicit dependency injection annotation in services with strict DI enabled

When bootstrapping application in strict DI mode, use explicit annotation to inject dependencies in services

CheckId NG1010703
TypeName UseExplicitDependencyInjectionAnnotationWithStrictDiEnabledInServices
Severity CriticalError
Type Service

When bootstrapping application in strict DI mode, you have to use explicit annotation to inject dependencies in services. Without it, your application will break on runtime.

Bad practice (no explicit annotation used for injecting dependencies into a service used in an application bootstrapped in strict DI mode)

    .service('dataService', function($http) {
        // ...

angular.bootstrap(document, ['app'], {
    strictDi: true

Good practice
    .service('dataService', ['$http', function($http) {
        // ...

angular.bootstrap(document, ['app'], {
    strictDi: true

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