Do not chain ActivationDependencies of Features when last Feature is visible |
ActivationDependencies can work only one level deep. SharePoint Foundation does not support more than one level in activation dependencies if the last Feature is visible.
CheckId | SPC017414 |
TypeName | DoNotChainActivationDependencies |
Severity | CriticalError |
Type | FeatureActivationDependency |
Remove the ActivationDependency or make the last Feature in the chain hidden. MSDN: 'SharePoint Foundation does not support more than one level in activation dependencies if the last Feature is visible - that is if a visible Feature depends on a second visible Feature that in turn depends on a third visible Feature. However, SharePoint Foundation does support more than one level in activation dependencies if a visible Feature depends on a second visible Feature that in turn depends on a hidden Feature.'
To suppress this violation in XML SharePoint code add the following comment right before the XML tag which causes the rule violation. Learn more about SuppressMessage here.