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Remove spaces from resource keys

If attributes in SharePoint elements are localized with resources the resource key cannot contains spaces.

CheckId SPC019903
TypeName RemoveSpacesFromResourceKey
Severity CriticalWarning
Type LocalizableProperty

If attributes in SharePoint elements are localized with resources the resource key must be defined with the following pattern:
The dollar sign ($) indicates that an expression follows. The prefix 'Resources' indicates the type of expression. The suffix after the colon (:) is the expression value to resolve. The first part of the value is the base file name for a resource file. The part that follows the comma is the name of the localized string to retrieve from the file.
No spaces are allowed anywhere in the expression.
Note: You might see resource expressions that end with a semicolon (;). This delimiter is acceptable but is not required by SharePoint Foundation 2010.

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