Declare attribute 'Sequence' in DelegateControl. |
Attribute 'Sequence' should be declared to specify the sequence number for the control, which determines whether the control is added to the control tree for a page. The control with the lowest sequence number is added to the tree.
CheckId | SPC046101 |
TypeName | DeclareAttributeSequenceInControl |
Severity | CriticalWarning |
Type | DelegateControl |
Add attribute 'Sequence' to DelegateControl. See sample below:
<Elements xmlns="">
ControlAssembly="EcmaScriptDelegate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=publickeytoken"
ControlAssembly="EcmaScriptDelegate, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=publickeytoken"
To suppress this violation in XML SharePoint code add the following comment right before the XML tag which causes the rule violation. Learn more about SuppressMessage here.
<!-- "SuppressMessage":{"rule":"SPC046101:DeclareAttributeSequenceInControl","justification":"Provide reason for suppression here"} -->
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