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Conventions for CheckId

Each rule, metric, dependency check or inventory check must have a unique identifier called 'CheckID', e.g. 'SPC016401'. This CheckID uses the following pattern

MeaningPrefix2-digit number of Category2-digit number of inspected SharePoint element2-digit consecutive number
Description SPCAF analyzers:
SPC - Code Check
SPM - Metrics Check
SPD - Dependency Check
SPI - Inventory
SMA - Migration Assessment

Third party analyzers:
JSH - JSHint
FXC - FxCop
FXM - FxCop Metrics
DIS - SPDisposeChecker

For your custom analyzer do not choose the existing ones.
SPCAF categories:
01 - Correctness
02 - Security
03 - SharePoint Supportability
04 - Design
05 - Best Practice
06 - Deployment
07 - Localization
08 - Naming
09 - Customization Policies
10 - Sandboxed Compatibility
11 - Memory Disposal
12 - SharePoint 2007 Compatibility
14 - SharePoint 2010 Compatibility
15 - SharePoint 2013 Compatibility
16 - AppStore Compatibility
19 - UX (User Experience)
20 - Process Integration
21 - Coding Style
22 - Performance
23 - Syntax
25 - Migration Assessment: Customizations
26 - Migration Assessment: Deployment and Provisioning
27 - Migration Assessment: UI and Branding
28 - Migration Assessment: Processes and Workflows
29 - Migration Assessment: Advanced Customizations

Third party categories:
30 - CSSLint
31 - JSHint
35 - FxCop
36 - FxCop Metrics
40 - SPDisposeCheck
45 - CAT.NET

For your custom category choose a number larger than 50.
01 - Solutions
02 - Assembly (SSOM)
03 - RootFiles
04 - TemplateFiles
05 - Resources
07 - SiteDefinition
08 - WebTempFile
09 - PolicyItem
10 - App Definition
21 - Feature
22 - FieldType
31 - AppDefinition
51 - Field
52 - ContentType
53 - Module
54 - ListInstance
55 - ListDefinition
56 - ContentTypeBinding
57 - CustomAction
58 - CustomActionGroup
59 - HideCustomAction
60 - Receiver
61 - Control
62 - Workflow
63 - DocumentConverter
64 - WebPart
65 - FieldRef
66 - RemoveFieldRef
68 - ASCXControl
69 - ASPXPage
70 - FeatureSiteTemplateAssociation
71 - PropertyBag
72 - ASMXWebService
73 - MasterPage
74 - FeatureActivationDependency
75 - ListDefinition
76 - WCFWebService
77 - WebTemplateDefinition
78 - SiteDefinition
87 - WebPage (.html, .aspx, .ascx)
88 - CSS
89 - JavaScript/JSOM
90 - CSOM
00 - General
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this documentation and in SPCAF do not necessarily reflect the opinions and recommendations of Microsoft or any member of Microsoft. SPCAF and RENCORE are registered trademarks of Rencore. All other trademarks, service marks, collective marks, copyrights, registered names, and marks used or cited by this documentation are the property of their respective owners.