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Office 365 Compatibility

Checks files and artifacts whether they are compatible with Office 365 requirements.


Rule Description Type Severity
SPC170727: SiteDefinition references VisibilityFeatureDependency which is not transformable SiteDefinition references VisibilityFeatureDependency which is not transformable Configuration Error
SPC170728: SiteDefinition references ProvisioningAssembly which is not transformable SiteDefinition references ProvisioningAssembly which is not transformable Configuration Error
SPC172132: Feature contains FeatureReceiver TODO Feature CriticalWarning
SPC172134: Feature has scope 'WebApplication' or 'Farm' Warning TODO Feature Error
SPC175122: Field contains resource keys This field refers to resource keys, which require additional code to provision. REST and JSON have no functionality for this and only Title and Description can be localized. Field Warning
SPC175123: Field based upon custom field type This field is based upon a custom field type, which is not supported in the add-in model. Field CriticalError
SPC175124: Field has not ID value set This field has no ID value set. Set an ID to ensure proper provisioning. Field Warning
SPC175125: Calculated field outputs HTML encoded string This field outputs HTML, which is deprecated for SharePoint Online Field CriticalWarning
SPC175222: ContentType contains complex to transform event receiver code Event receivers will have to be transformed to remote event receivers, which requires a seperate infrastructure to host the code. Consider using either workflows, Azure API Apps or other technology to implement the required functionality. ContentType CriticalError
SPC175223: ContentType inherits unknown parent ContentType TODO ContentType Error
SPC175224: ContentType inherits custom parent ContentType which needs to be provisioned before TODO ContentType CriticalWarning
SPC175225: ContentType references a custom Field which needs to be provisioned before TODO ContentType CriticalWarning
SPC175226: ContentType references an unknown Field TODO ContentType Error
SPC175230: ContentType uses DocumentTemplate TODO ContentType CriticalWarning
SPC175230: ContentType references DocumentTemplate in Layouts folder Using the add-in model is not possible to provision files to the /_layouts/ system folder ContentType CriticalWarning
SPC175233: ContentType contains resource keys This content type refers to resource keys, which require additional code to provision. REST and JSON have no functionality for this and only Name and Description can be made localized. ContentType Warning
SPC175422: List instance contains resource keys This list instance refers to resource keys, which require additional code to provision. REST and JSON have no functionality for this and only Title and Description can be localized. ListInstance Warning
SPC175423: Field Reference has no ID value set This field reference has no ID value set. Set an ID to ensure proper provisioning. ListInstance Warning
SPC175722: Custom Action contains a reference to the layouts system folder Using the add-in model is not possible to provision files to the /_layouts/ system folder CustomAction Warning
SPC175723: Custom action contains resource keys This custom action refers to resource keys, which require additional code to provision. REST and JSON have no functionality for this and only Title and Description can be localized. CustomAction Warning
SPC175724: Custom Action contains a reference to the admin system folder Using the add-in model is not possible to provision files to the /_admin/ system folder CustomAction CriticalWarning
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