SPC050238: Do not call SPWeb.GetListFromUrl. Use SPWeb.GetListFromWebPartPageUrl instead.

SPWeb.GetListFromUrl gets the list that is associated with the first Web Part on the specified Web Parts page. Beginning in Windows SharePoint Services 3.0, use the GetListFromWebPartPageUrl method instead of this method.

TypeName: DoNotUseSPWebGetListFromUrl
CheckId: SPC050238
Severity: CriticalWarning
Type: AssemblyFileReference

Replace calls to SPWeb.GetListFromUrl with SPWeb.GetListFromWebPartPageUrl.

Bad Practice:

SPWeb myWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPList myList = web.GetListFromUrl("/sites/sitecollection/subsite/default.aspx");
Good Practice:
SPWeb myWeb = SPContext.Current.Web;
SPList myList = web.GetListFromWebPartPageUrl("/sites/sitecollection/subsite/default.aspx");


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