How to run analysis on command line

All tools (code check, dependency analysis, metrics analysis and inventory) can be executed separately on command line. SPCAF comes with the following command line tools

Command line toolDescription
spcop.exeRule Check
spmetrics.exeMetrics Analysis
spinventory.exeInventory Analysis
spdepend.exeDependency Analysis
spcaf.exeAll analysis types

Run analysis on command line

The command line tools can be found in installation directory of SPCAF (typically 'C:\Program Files (x86)\SPAF\'). Open command prompt and switch to the SPCAF installation directory. Running one of the command line tools without arguments shows the following information:

NOTE: The SPCAF command line tools cannot be started from a DOS command path, e.g. 'C:\progra~2\SPCAF\spcop.exe'. Always use the windows path 'C:\Program Files (x86)\SPAF\spcop.exe'.

Start one of the command line tools with the following arguments:

r, reportReport generator that will be used to generate the output file. V isual Studio compatible console output will be generated regardless of this argument.
Possible values: None, HTML, XML, CSV.
Default: HTML
o, output Output file with processed data when a report generator is specified.
Default: [WorkingDirectory]\SPCAFMetricsReport.[ReportType]
i, inputfilesRequired. WSP files that should be included in the analysis. WSP files can be separated with a semincolon ;
Sample: test1.wsp;"test2 with spaces.wsp"
s, settingsName of SPCAF ruleset file. Possible ruleset files are store in installation folder of SPCAF, folder "RuleSets"
For a custom settings file the path to the settings could be provided ie. c:\settings.SPCAF. Default: no settings file
t, tempdirDirectory into which all temporary files are extracted.
Sample: c:\temp\
Default: User Temp Folder
l, logfilePath where the log file should be written to
Sample: c:\temp\spcaf.log
Default: Configured value in log4net.config file
v, verbositySpecifies the amount of information to display in the output window:
quiet: No output
minimal: only notifications are listed (typically used in automated builds)
normal: notifications and status information is listed
Default: normal
helpDisplay this help screen.


The following command runs a code check for all WSP files in folder 'C:\wspfiles' and will create in directory 'C:\outputdir\' the 2 reports 'outputfilename.html' and 'outputfilename.xml'.

spcop.exe -i "C:\wspfiles" -r "HTML;XML" -o "C:\outputdir\outputfilename.html"

Output Sample

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