Memory Disposal |
Rules to warn for potential memory leaks due to wrong object disposal.
Rule | Description | Type | Severity |
SPC110201: Dispose created SPSite objects | When you create a SPSite object with a new operator, the creating application must dispose of it. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110203: Dispose SPWeb objects created with SPSite.OpenWeb | The OpenWeb method create an SPWeb object and return it to the caller. This new object is not stored in the SPSite object and is not disposed of anywhere in the SPSite class. For this reason, you should dispose of any object created via these methods. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110204: Dispose SPSite objects created with SPSite.SelfServiceCreateSite | The SelfServiceCreateSite method (all signatures) create an SPWeb object and return it to the caller. This new object is not stored in the SPSite object and is not disposed of anywhere in the SPSite class. For this reason, you should dispose of any object created via these methods. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110205: Dispose SPWeb created by SPLimitedWebPartManager | The SPLimitedWebPartManager class contains a reference to an internal SPWeb object that must be disposed. | Assembly | Warning |
SPC110211: Dispose SPSite created by SPSiteCollection.Add | The SPSiteCollection.Add method creates and returns a new SPSite object. You should dispose of any SPSite object returned from the SPSiteCollection.Add method. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110212: Dispose SPSite created by SPSiteCollection[] index operator | The SPSiteCollection [] index operator returns a new SPSite object for each access. An SPSite instance is created even if that object was already accessed. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110213: Dispose SPWeb created by SPWebCollection.Add | The SPSite.AllWebs.Add method and SPWebCollection.Add method creates and returns an SPWeb object. You should dispose of any SPWeb object returned. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110214: Dispose SPWeb created by SPWebCollection[] index operator | The SPSite.AllWebs[] and SPWebCollection[] index operator returns a new SPWeb instance each time it is accessed. An object is created during the indexing operation even if that object was already accessed. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110231: Do not dispose SPListEventProperties.Web | The SPWeb object in SPListEventProperties (e.g. used in a SPListEventReceiver) should not be disposed. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110232: Do not dispose SPWebEventProperties.Web | The SPWeb object in SPWebEventProperties (e.g. used in a SPWebEventReceiver) should not be disposed. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110233: Do not dispose SPItemEventProperties.Web | The SPWeb object in SPItemEventProperties (e.g. used in a SPItemEventReceiver) should not be disposed. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110234: Do not dispose SPItemEventProperties.ListItem.Web | The object in SPItemEventProperties.ListItem.Web (e.g. used in a SPItemEventReceiver) should not be disposed. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110235: Do not dispose SPItemEventProperties.Web.Site | The object in SPItemEventProperties.Web.Site (e.g. used in a SPItemEventReceiver) should not be disposed. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110236: Do not dispose SPItemEventProperties.ListItem.Web.Site | The object in SPItemEventProperties.ListItem.Web.Site (e.g. used in a SPItemEventReceiver) should not be disposed. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110237: Do not dispose SPFeatureReceiverProperties.Feature.Parent | The object in SPFeatureReceiverProperties.Feature.Parent (e.g. used in a SPFeatureReceiver) should not be disposed. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110241: Do not dispose SPSite.RootWeb | An earlier version of the documentation indicated that the calling application should dispose of the SPSite.RootWeb property just before disposing of the SPSite object that is using it. This is no longer the official guidance. The dispose cleanup is handled automatically by the SharePoint framework. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110242: Do not dispose SPWeb.ParentWeb | An earlier version of the documentation recommended that the calling application should dispose of the SPWeb.ParentWeb. This is no longer the official guidance. The dispose cleanup is handled automatically by the SharePoint framework. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110243: Do not dispose SPList.ParentWeb | An earlier version of the documentation recommended that the calling application should dispose of the SPWeb.ParentWeb. This is no longer the official guidance. The dispose cleanup is handled automatically by the SharePoint framework. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110244: Do not dispose SPSite returned by SPControl.GetContextSite | If SPSite is obtained from the SharePoint context objects (GetContextSite method), the calling application should not call the Dispose method on the object. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110245: Do not dispose SPWeb returned by SPControl.GetContextWeb | If SPWeb is obtained from the SharePoint context objects (GetContextWeb method), the calling application should not call the Dispose method on the object. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110246: Do not dispose SPSite returned by SPContext.Current.Site | SPContext objects are managed by the SharePoint framework and should not be explicitly disposed in your code. This is true also for the SPSite objects returned by SPContext.Site and SPContext.Current.Site | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110247: Do not dispose SPWeb returned by SPContext.Current.Web | SPContext objects are managed by the SharePoint framework and should not be explicitly disposed in your code. This is true also for the SPWeb objects returned by SPContext.Web and SPContext.Current.Web | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110261: Close PublishingWeb created by PublishingWeb.GetPublishingWebs[] index operator | The GetPublishingWebs method of the PublishingWeb class returns a PublishingWebCollection object. You must call the Close method on each enumerated innerPubWeb object. When you are calling only the GetPublishingWeb method, you are not required to call Close. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110262: Close PublishingWeb created by PublishingWeb.GetVariation | The Microsoft.SharePoint.Publishing.PublishingWeb.GetVariation method returns a PublishingWeb object that must be closed. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110263: Close PublishingWeb created by PublishingWebCollection.Add | PublishingWebCollection.Add() method requires you to call Close on the returned PublishingWeb object. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
SPC110281: Dispose SPSite created with UserProfiles.PersonalSite | The Microsoft.Office.Server.UserProfiles.PersonalSite returns an SPSite object that must be disposed. | Assembly | CriticalWarning |
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